Uses for AOL Disks

Well, everybody knows you can call up America Online and get free subscription
disks.  Here are a few uses for them:

Storage space for real software
Part of a modern art sculpture named "Information Super-Ripoff"
Study subjects for those interested in diskette internals
Magnetic field-strength meters
Bulk diskette sales opportunities


toilet paper (you won't understand this until you've lived with 5 other
              guys, none of which wants to buy TP. You'll use
              *anything* to avoid 'giving in' to your room-mates.)
chew-toys for the dog
extra traction when it snows
figure out a way to grind them up and make a motor vehicle fuel
ram them sideways up the *ss of anyone who says "You can't post that
    in this group! It's against the Terms of Service!"


                                       they have sent me 10MB or so worth of
free demonstration disks, which, when reformatted, yield a nice 1.44MB
apiece.  Also they make excellent coasters and frisbees.  For awhile I used
one to make my television sit flat on the shelf (until I found some
HIV-prevention brochure that worked better).  At one point I and some
associates held a contest to see who could slide an AOL-floppy across the
most lanes of a convenient highway.

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